Saturday, July 28, 2007

Finish Line

I'm five days away from leaving my summer home. Being at Ridge Haven has been two solid months of blessings and I am sad to leave it again. I haven't really sorted out all of my mind's thoughts about the summer and how it has changed/affected me yet, but I do know that God has used this summer to mold me into a more recognizable likeness of his image. The distance between the two is still incalculably vast, but nonetheless I am encouraged.

A week from Monday I will be flying from Raleigh to Philly to be with Danboy, Sienna, and Kyrie. It will be a time of excitement and discovery, filled with adventures and shenanigans.


kyrieanna said...

yesss. tell me if you get my letter before you leave..mkay?

Sienna said...

hey can you bring the boyfriend hoodie? i miss her.