"Free your mind and yo' booty WILL follow."
Oh if he only knew how accurate he was. Anyways, all of this to let you know that I danced really really hard for all told maybe an hour and ten minutes. I would have loved to dance more but something amazing happened. Something unthinkable. By far the most honorable and dazzling feat I have ever achieved.
I passed out.
That's right, I literally danced til I dropped. I wasn't aware of it until I was looking up at the concerned faces of Rachel and Megan. There eyes communicated concern, but even more they were shouting jealousy and admiration. They helped me to my feet and I teetered over to a picnic table, where I promptly downed two bottles of water. I guess I was sweating so much that I became dizzy and then unconscious from dehydration. After drinking the water and sitting still for a little, I got back on my feet and two-stepped/bottydanced/windmilled myself into oblivion till the night was over.
The only part of this story that is fabricated is that Rachel and Megan (fellow counselors) weren't at all impressed. They pretty much said I was really weird for actually being impressed with myself. I promptly re-assured them that they would never understand why it was awesome that I had passed out, and as a result of that lack of understanding they would never ever be able to really dance their heart out.
What fools they are. DANCE!
i was jealous. i wish that i had danced till i passed out. rah-kell and belcar know nothing of coolness. i think you're great.
this Michael Kendall person is sounding strange and bazaar..i can see why he is friends with those Howard people (Lo, K and S)!
bazaar? we howards must slow down and spell. and isn't strange and bizarre vaguely redundant? mercy.
atta boy!!!!!
dang boy. do it!
yo lets stop removing comments. it makes us all way too curious. mkay pumpkin?
bout time we get a dance party going. i'm achin for one.
i did no such thing. i have no idea who it was; notice how it says removed by the author...
Just so you know- now you've really got a place on my Top Ten Heroes List. And that is sacred.
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