Sunday, November 4, 2007

The Long and Winding Road....that leads...

Im not sure. I know that this world is not where my soul was ultimately designed to exist, and as days go by I am becoming more and more aware of that fact. Being a student of music I am discovering daily how far away I am from knowing even half of what there is grasp sonically and theoretically about the subject. The liberal arts provides welcome respite, but I often find myself feeling bogged down and overwhelmed with daily assignment, papers, lessons, etc. My relationships fail, my mind fails, and most of all my faith falters. It is so difficult to accept the reality of my deprivation. When I spend time dwelling on my state, I grow sick and tired of mentally listening to myself gripe about my problems. Im out of money, out of time, and out of love. I need not try and separate myself from this snapshot of Michael's life, because in reality it is the most accurate picture that any artist could paint. I am sick, sinful, self-absorbed, and lost. I need to learn to cling to he who is greater than the world. Im adding these, the tiresome words of a college student who, like the majority of those in his similar stage of life, is feeling down. I hope it doesn't come across as elctro-garbage.


Anonymous said...

I could echo every word. Hope things are going okay for you Mikey. But if they're not, don't despair. I know it's hard to "cling to he who is greater than the world," (I really know) but without him- life would just be pretty void of meaning or hope. And that would suck even more. Miss you guys!

Jonnie said...

Hello Boy!Hmmm... I do miss you. The struggle is real isn't it. So apparent at times and yet so hidden in others. I have a blogg you know

kate said...

I am just realising that I accidentally put my comment for this post on the painting post.